Sunday 18 May 2014

Big Challenge contest 2014

Los chicos y chicas de 2º ESO participan un año más en el juego concurso Big Challenge.

Pincha en la foto para saber más sobre esta noticia.


  1. Hi I am Manuel from 2A
    The experience was very interesting and good
    There wew a lot of questions but some of them were very easy.
    I want to repeat this great experience.
    It was good!

  2. Hi I'm brian 2B
    the big challenge I found a very fun and interesting activity
    it was great¡

  3. I am Alejandro from 2B The Big Challenge is very interesting activity but I didn't do it.

  4. Hi I'm Carlos from 2A
    This experience was very interesting and it was good.
    I want to repeat this activity.
