Sunday 17 May 2015

Big Challenge contest 2015

New edition of the English contest-game Big Challenge and as we have been doing for a few years in May a group of students of  2nd, 3rd and 4th of Secondary participate in this contest. 

The Big Challenge is aimed to all students of secondary education and consists of a test- type questionnaire. In 45 minutes students have to answer a total of 54 questions about grammar, vocabulary, phonetics and civilization

From the beginning of the course the students who have participated have been practising with the training quiz on line; hopeful, motivated and enthusiastic, the participants have involved in the game and therefore in learning English. 

We’ll have to wait until June to know the results of our students both at a national and autonomic level. We hope our students do as well as in previous editions, in which they had very high marks and good prizes.


  1. Me ha gustado mucho esta activdad porque aprendes nuevas cosas.Aunque habia pocos premios buenos (ordenadores,tablets...) no me gusto.
    Álvaro 2ªA

  2. Hello I am Africa Escudero from 2º A. I love the Big Challenge, it's a game that you can learn much English and at the same time having fun.

  3. Hello my name is Alejandro Crespo from 2A . I like the Big Challenge because is a very funny game and interactive from of learn culture and costumes of the English countries .
    I think this game should be repeated for other students to learn English for the future

  4. Hello my name is Alejandro Crespo from 2A . I like the Big Challenge because it´s a very funny game and you can learn a lot of things about English : Gramatic , Verbs , culture , history ...etc . In my opinion this game is the best computer game about English of the history.

  5. Hello I am Laura Laseca from 2° A.
    The Big Challenge it's very funny and it's a game that you can learn much English.

  6. Hi! I'm from 2ºA.
    I really like this proyect because we have learnt a lot of things and we passed a great time while we were practicing the questions of the test
