Wednesday 11 January 2017

A World of Heritage

3rd ESO students know a lot about UNESCO World Heritages sites and presented their projects on this subject to their classmates. Projects about Alhambra, Ankor Wat,Galapagos Islands, The Great Barrier Reef... and many more. 


  1. Hello my name is Alejandro Jiménez and I´m from 3ºA E.S.O
    I thik that the Alhambra is more beautifull than the Burgos Cathedral, also I think that the Taj Mahal is the biggest
    architecture at the work.
    For me the most instersesting work is the great barrier reef.


  2. Hi I am Eva from 3º ESO. In my opinion the alhambra is more beautiful than Burgos cathedral.I thing the great barrier reef is the best projet. The skelling michel island is the most interesting projet.Machu Picchu is more famous than pyramids

  3. Hi. My name is Jjulian from 3.A.

    I think this project. Skellig Michael, is one of the most difficult projects what Ihave to do. But this is a beautiful proyect, and I think this is better than te others projests

  4. Hello my name is santi of 3A ESO and I liked it so much my work as the one of the others because I learned much of the different sites that there are in other places.
    It has been very interesting and I hope it will become.

  5. Hi!
    I´m Araceli Escudero from 3ª ESO.
    In my opinion, theese kind of activities are fantastic for us, because we have the opportunity of learning many things.
    To be honest, the Alhambra work is the best.

  6. Hi my name is Alberto and the Skelling Michael is the best
    But Machu pichu is more beautiful than Taj Mahal

  7. Hello I'm Juan I. Mendoza from 3ºESO.All the proyects are very interesting.In my opinion, Taj mahal is more interesting that Burgos Cathedral but Burgos Cathedral is more interesting than pyramids.The best for me is Machu Picchu. The worse for me is Los glaciares nacional park but it is very interesting.


  8. Hi I am Amina from 3 eso
    I enjoyed pretty much working in this project.My partner and I had to do an explanatory PowerPoint about Alhambra likewise our other classmates, so I learnt a lot of new things about that place. Loved it. :DD~~~

  9. Hello,
    My name is Samuel from 3A.
    I thing that is project are very interesting for see and know other escultures or sites from other countries.
    In my opinion the best project presented is the Great Wall of China.


  10. Hi my name is Daniel from 3 ESO.
    The Taj Mahal is more beautiful than the Alhambra
    The Great Well China is longer than the Great Barrier Reef
    the Machu Pichu is the most interesting
    The Pyramids of Egypt are older than Machu Pichu

  11. Hi I'm Alejandra from 3°ESO and this is my opinion :
    I like the galapagos island work more than the work Taj Mahal.
    The best work is the great barrier reef
    the Alhambra is more beauriful than the skellig michael

  12. Hello;
    I'm Maria from 3ºA E.S.O., my work is the Pyramids. I like do this work because I learn a lot of interesting thing about the Egiptian Pyramids and about the Unesco.
    I thing that the Great Wall of china is more interestig than the Alhambra because isn't in our country.
    In my opinion Machupichu is the most espectacular work, because is a place that is empicien see in the film and is very interesting.


  13. Hi!
    I'm Diego from 3°A E.S.O.
    I thik the machu picchu is a good work but the best is the pyramids.

  14. Hello!My name is sheila ,I from 3ªA ESO .This work I love it,all jobs have enchanted me But some more than others.The machu pichu It is more beautiful than Great wall china.But the taj mahal i love.bye!!!!

  15. My name is Pablo I'm from 3A
    for me the most beautiful place is the alhambra

  16. My name is Iván from 3ºA
    The best place for me is the Taj Mahal because is beautiful

  17. Hi I'm Cristina from 3A ESO. I had a good time during my partners and I did this work.
    Un my opinión I think that the most beautifull places to visit are the Great Barrier Reef and the Taj Mahal.
    I know that the pyramids are older than the Taj Mahal, but that doesn't maje them unpretty, I think they are beautifull to.
    I think that this places are the most beautifull un the Word.

  18. Hi , I'm Florentina from 3A . The most beautiful place for me are the pyramids for its size and its age. The Great Wall of China is have more tourism than the Los Glaciares National Park. The best work is the Great Barrier Reef.

  19. hi my name is Ainhoa from 3ºA ESO.
    I think:
    The Pyramids are a interesting project.
    The Alhambra is more beautiful than Taj Mahal.
    And for me the best project is the Great Barrier Reef.

  20. Hello my name is Alejandro Crespo from 4ESO . I like a lot this project from 3ESO because is different form to learn our world , the culture , the animals , the pretty landspaces ...etc. I recommend for all the courses because is a very interesting form to learn english

  21. Hi I'm Marina from 4°ESO. I think that these projects are very interesting because they show different beautiful places of the world and you can learn a lot of new things of these important places with them.

  22. Hi my name is Camila from 3A. This project is very interesting to know places of the world. I think that the Great Barrier Reef is the most beautiful place. The Galapagos Islands are funnier than the Burgos Cathedral.

  23. Hi, my name is Laura from 4º ESO.
    I think that this projects are very interesting and with this projects you can learn a lot of.

  24. Hi my name is Brisa from 3A.
    The Galapagos Island is more beautiful than the Taj Mahal.
    I think the Pyramids is a good work but the best is the Great barrier reef

  25. Hi my name is Walter from 3A.
    It's a very good project and interesting.
    My opinion is that the most beautiful Great Wall of China is place best in the world.

  26. Hi my mane is Javier. I think the project is good.
    The most wonderful place for me is the Alhambra and Burgos cathedral.

  27. hi mi name is Paola from 3ºA
    in my opinión the Great Barrier reaf is the most beautiful proyect.
    The pyramides is more beautiful than Alhambra

  28. I´m Adrian from 3A.
    I think that the Great Barrier of Reef is the most beautiful place of all this projects because all of this site is incredibly awesome.

  29. Hi, I'm Natalia of 3A
    The Taj Magaly Is more beautiful than de Pyramids.
    The Galápagos Island is the most interesting site.

  30. Hi! My name is Cristina from 4º ESO.
    I think that the Alhambra is one of the most important places in the world.
    These projects are really interesting.

  31. Hi, I'm Valentina from 3A.
    This project is very interesting.
    The Alhambra is one of my favorites because it has a lot of information in the presentation.
    Also, I like Machu Picchu because it is a fun project and you can know more about a wonder of the world.
