Wednesday 21 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving day to you!!

El Día de Acción de Gracias es una celebración tradicional de Estados Unidos y Canadá.  

En los Estados Unidos se celebra el cuarto jueves de noviembre.  

En Canadá se celebra el segundo lunes de octubre. Generalmente en esta festividad la gente se reune alrededor de la mesa con la familia y amigos compartiendo un banquete.

The Thanksgiving Day is a traditional celebration of the United States and Canada.  

In the United States is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In Canada is celebrated on the second Monday of October.  

Generally during this holiday gather around a table with family and friends sharing a feast.

If you want to know more about this festivity and practice your reading, go to our blogs (primary and secondary). 

Si quieres ver más sobre esta fiesta, vete a nuestros blogs de primaria y secundaria, dependiendo de tu nivel.



  1. I'm Omaima Torqui

    Thanksgiving day: Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada, with several other places around the world observing similar celebrations. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.

  2. Gonzalo Romano, 4º E.S.O.

    Thanksgiving day: In USA, thanksgiving day is celebrated the fourth Thurdsday of November and in Canada the second Monday of October. This day was celebrated to thanks give for a good harvest.
    The party consist in a dinner with family and friends. The main course is stuffed turkey with sauce, corn and vegetables. There are a lot of desserts and it is typical pumpkin pie. In the cities there are parades with floats and people with costumes, music and famous artists.

  3. David Rincón, 4º ESO8 December 2012 at 13:04

    Thanksgiving Day is celebrate in The United States the fourth Thursday of November and in Canada the second Monday of October. In this festive day the persons go whit the family and celebrate the end of the harvest. In this day there are a lot of traditional activities, like the parade, the most popular parade is the parade of New York whit the gloves and the people wear costumes. Other usual activity there is going to see a match of American football. But the activity more famous is the dinner of this day, the traditional food is the principal food is the turkey, but there are other dishes: stuffing, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, etc. and for the dessert there are a lot of too, like: pumpkin pie, Sweet potato pie, Pecan pie, etc.

  4. Rodrigo Martínez10 December 2012 at 15:25

    Rodrigo Martínez 4º E.S.O.

    Thanksgiving day is celebrated in the United States and Canada. It is celebrated the fourth Thursday of November and celebrated the end of the harvest. The people celebrated this event eating with theirs friends and their family. In the dinner the typical dishes are green bean, pumpkin pie, apple pie,etc. but the most important dish are the turkey.
    In the streets the people do different activities like parades with music and floats, this parades are very big because a lot of people participate it.

  5. Sara Pérez 4º E.S.O.

    Thanksgiving day is celebrated the fourth thursday of november in U.S.A. and the second monday of october in Canada. The people celebrate the end of the harvest with their family. All of them eat together different dishes, especially turkey or sweet potatoes. There are a big parade on this day, do it by Macy's, with music, floats and big ballons.

  6. David Prieto Rodríguez 2ºA ESO

    .......Thanksgiving day.......

    It is a traditional celebration of Canada and the United States.
    In Canada it is celebrated on the second Monday of October. In the United States it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.

    Thanksgiving is a special day for families and friends. They eat all together because they give thanks for the food.

    Turkey, Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin Pie are typical food in this celebration.
