Wednesday 4 May 2016

Big Challenge 2016

New edition of the English contest-game Big Challenge and as we have been doing for a few years in May Secondary students   participate in this contest.

The Big Challenge is aimed to all students of secondary education and consists of a test- type questionnaire. In 45 minutes students have to answer a total of 45 questions about grammar, vocabulary, phonetics and civilization.

From the beginning of the course the students who have participated have been practising with the training quiz on line; hopeful, motivated and enthusiastic, the participants have involved in the game and therefore in learning English. 

We’ll have to wait until June to know the results of our students both at a national and autonomic level. . We hope our students do as well as in previous editions, in which they had very high marks and good prizes.


  1. Hello my name is Pablo I am from 2ºA
    I did this test this morning in the english class and i like a lot also I like this competition because they give a lot of prizes

  2. I've had a great time playing the Big Challenge. And it has helped to improve my English. I like this new experience and I hope we will use it again.
    Alberto Bermejo

  3. Hello I am Cristina of 2ºA ESO.
    The big challenge is a very interesting game, you can learn a lot of things in it and you also can have a great time with your partners or wihtout they.
    I hope that my school win any prize.
    Cross your fingers.

  4. Hello I am Santi of 2Aº ESO.
    I like this because I learn a lot of things of London...and I have fun.

  5. Hi, I'm Maria Rincon for 2ºA ESO
    I like this activiti because I learn a lot for interesting thing of Engkand and I can practice more the things that I learn in class.
    When I go to practie in class i like because we do a diferant activiti and is very funny.


  6. Hi I'm Samuel from 2A,
    I like this activity because it helps us to do best the test that we do in class. I think that we be fun with the activity.

  7. Hello I´m AraceliEscudero from 2ºA ESO.
    I love the activity of the Big Challenge, because you can learn a lot of vocabulary,grammar, phonetics and civilization.I love this activity

  8. Hi, I'm Juan I. Mendoza from 2º ESO.
    This proyect was very interesting and we were preparing this three months ago and my class and me do the proyect today like the others class.
    I like this proyect !!!!


  9. Hello my name Sheila,I am from 2ºA ESO.
    I liked the game THE BIG CHALLENGE,because is very interesting.

  10. Amina from 2º E.S.O ~
    Today we did the quiz, it was kinda surprising for me cause I did not know about the day we were going to do it.
    But I hope we did it well and hope to get soon the results.
    It had interesting questions, and they were quiet easy... except for the questions related to the pronunciation.

  11. Hello I´m Alejandro Jiméez from 2ºA E.S.O.
    I played Big Challenge the last month and it was funny.I learnt a lot of things of England.

  12. Hello I am Ainhoa from 2ºA.
    I like the game because I learn a lot of things and is very funny

  13. Hi I'm Mari José from 2 ESO
    I like the big challenge becouse it is very ínteresting.

  14. hi I am Paola 2ºA ESO
    I really liked participate in the big challenge that I learned many new things about London also learned vocabulary and was very entertaining and interesting

  15. Hi, I am Iván from 2ºA, I like this activity so much because it is entertained and we lost classes.

  16. Hi! I'm Ismael from 4º ESO.
    I like this type of activity because it's another way to learn.
    I've done four tests and all the years we have received some gifts.
    It was great.

  17. Hello, I am Sergio López from 4º.
    In my opinion this English activity is not interesting because we didn't go many days to practise.
    On the other hand, I think it is a little expensive because the relation between money and prizes is not fair, and the questions haven't served us for the exam.
    Your school partner, awaiting a judgement.

  18. Hi, I'm Andrea from 4ºESO
    This is the fourth year I do the big challenge and I really like it because every year we learn new things from a different culture and we improve our english level

  19. Hi, I'm María from 4ºESO
    I like this activity because it isn't very difficult, we learn things and as it isn't expensive you can participate all who wants to
